Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog!!

To begin,

I launched this blog for me, emigrants who are struggling to adapt to a new environment, and women in general, especially those who are around my age.

I am a Japanese girl (I am a girl forever even though she is thirty-something years old.) who moved to Canada in 2018 for her destiny.

Females have different faces to switch on and off to one to the others.
For example, my role changes case by case. Sometimes I enjoy being a girl, I am an early childhood educator during the weekdays, I am a wife at home, and maybe I will be a mom not far future… I will keep adding new masks for the rest of my life which is exciting!! But because of it, we get confused and anxious sometimes.

Writing down my thoughts is important for me so that I can identify what is my concern, what is my stress, and how it is possibly solved.

And I also believe to share my blog helps somebody to realize a tinny little clue to feel better.

Ok, Let’s begin!!

Posts created 38

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